Minggu, 18 Maret 2012



When saying Flash, we can mean absolutely different things even within the bounds of web-technology terms. Not to get confused, I'll use the following terms:

  • Flash – the technology of web-animation on the whole;
  • Flash player – program, ActiveX library which displays flash;
  • Standalone Flash player – application (exe file) displaying flash;
  • Flash IDE, Adobe Flash, Flash Professional – development environment provided by Adobe Systems (former Macromedia);
  • FLA – project (source) animation file for Flash IDE;
  • Movie – an integral web-animation at the development stage;
  • SWF – result animation file.

  • So, when loading a web page with flash animation, the following processes take place: web-browser detects an embedded flash animation in an HTML markup, creates and object of flash-player and indicate what file needs to be displayed. Flash player loads SWF file and begins to display it if possible. Due to this principle of work, flash player can display so called preloaders, reproduce streaming audio and video (for example, YouTube) without loading SWF fully.

    SWF structure

    File format is described in "SWF file format specification" document, which can be downloaded at Adobe.com. Documentation is usually issued some months after the release of a new version of flash player. At the moment, flash player v.10 is already released, but specification document is not renewed and contains specification of version 9. One can find specifications about almost everything I explain here, but the matter is that "almost", but not everything :)
    Basic structure of SWF doesn't depend on version, that's why SWF always has Header+Body structure. Body consists of records which are called tags in specification.
    To describe data structure, I'll use Object Pascal syntax.


    Header contains main information about SWF. It can be described in this way:
    TSWFHeader = packed record
    SIGN: array [0..2] of AnsiChar;
    Version: byte;
    FileSize: LongWord;
    MovieRect: TRect;
    FPS: word;
    FramesCount: word;

  • The first parameter is SIGN. CWS value means that this file is packed using ZLib compression method, not an FWS.
  • Version – version of file format.
  • FileSize – size of UNPACKED file in bytes.
  • MovieRect – size of displayed image in twips (1px = 20twips). I should note that in fact SWF and graphic objects can't be larger than $ffff/ 20 = 3276 px. I haven't seen swf with top-left value less or more than 0. Nevertheless, having set these values in my tests, I made sure that these values are really taken into account. It's worth noting that the specified rectangle is a place given by browser. When opening SWF in a standalone player, sometimes one can see "decorations behind the scenes".
  • FPS (frames per second) – value in format 8.8 fixed, i.e. for human perception this value is Result := FPS shr 8 + (FPS and $FF) / ($FF+1);
  • FramesCount– frames number. As a rule, SWF always has at least one frame, but it's possible to create SWF without frames if this file is used as a library for other SWFs.

  • SWF compression

    To reduce file size, Macromedia has used two approaches.
    The first one consists of that bit-by-bit compression method is used for saving numbers. It looks like this. Let's presume we need to save a size of rectangle, i.e. four numbers of integer type. At a simple record it will be 4 * 4 bytes = 16 bytes. At recording to SWF, the number of bits needed for coding the largest value is recorded to the first 5 bit, and then these 4 values in bit representation with a specified bit length. For example, it's necessary to save coordinates (0,0 – 100, 100) or in twips (0,0 – 2000,2000). In bit representation number 2000 = 11111010000 (11 bit + 1 for a sign). We have (5 + 4 * 12) / 8 = 7 byte (almost 2 times less). This approach leads to the fact that some identical tags can have different size. It also applies to Header.
    The second approach is using ZLib compression method both for the whole SWF and for separate tags.
    When a file is compressed, first three parameters of a Header (8 bytes) are not compressed, but the rest are compressed. This explains why it's impossible to read an SWF header only with one read method.



    The log file template contains information about which text files are to be analyzed in which form.


    General Settings for the Monitored Log Files
    The following parameters of the log file template apply to all log files that fulfill the conditions for DIRECTORY and FILENAME:
    Key word for the agent; opens a search area
    DIRECTORY="<directory>"                                          (required parameter)
    Directory that contains the log file
    FILENAME="<file name>"                                           (required parameter)
    Name of the log file; wildcards are permissible
    MONITOR_CONTEXT="<context name>"
    Name of the monitoring context to which the log file agent writes the results of the monitoring; by default, this is the context Files_of_<Hostname>. Regardless of whether or not you set this parameter, the MTE class of the monitoring context is always CcmsFileMonitoring. By specifying this MTE class, you can define a rule-based monitor that contains the subtrees for all monitored log files.
    In this way you can, for example, store different components in different contexts to further group the results. Like the PREFIX parameter (see below), this function allows you to differentiate between the different monitored log files, but provides, unlike PREFIX, an additional hierarchical level to group the monitored files. Use this parameter only if you require this additional hierarchical level.
    IGNORE_CASE=[0,1]                                                 (Default = 0)
    By default, all search patterns are case sensitive (0). If upper and lower case are to be disregarded, set IGNORE_CASE=1.
    MONITOR_NEWEST_FILES=<number>                       (Default = 20)
    Maximum number of files that is to be monitored; if the number of files whose names fulfill the search criteria exceeds this number, exactly <number> files with the newest change time are monitored.
    This means that different files are monitored over time. If a file is removed from monitoring because other files have a newer change date, its monitoring tree is deleted, and its alerts are reset. The maximum value for number is also 20, to avoid storing an unnecessarily large quantity of data in the monitoring architecture.
    RESCANFROMBEGIN=[0,1]                                       (Default = 0)
    Specifies whether each new read operation reads the log file from the start (1) or only the lines that have been added since the log file agent last read the file (0)
    MONITOR_FILESIZE_KB=<file size[KB]>           (Default: FileSize is not created)
    Value < 0: FileSize is not created.
    Value = 0: Size of the log file in KB is monitored in the node FileSize
    Value > 0: The size of the log file in KB is monitored; if the file size exceeds the value, an alert is generated
    PREFIX="<character string>"
    Appears before the MTE nodes; allows you to differentiate between different log files with different paths, but the same name
    SHOWNEWLINES=[0,1]                                             (Default = 0)
    Value=1: The Alert Monitor creates the subnode Newlines; that is, the number of lines created  per minute is reported
    Value=0: Newlines is not created
    ANALYZEMETHOD="<method name>"                       (Default: no method)
    Analysis method that is assigned to the alert
    MONITOR_LAST_FILE_MODIF=[0,1]                       (Default = 0)
    Specifies whether a separate performance node File Time Stamp is to be created, which then monitors the last change time point of the log files (1), or whether the last change time point is not to be monitored (0)
    MTE_CLASS="<MTE class>"                                   (Default: CcmsFile<file name>)
    MTE class of the monitoring object that contains the attributes specified above; the MTE class of the monitoring objects therefore depends on the name of the monitored log file
    CHECK_EXISTENCE_ONLY=[0,1]                             (Default = 0)
    Specifies whether the system is to check only for the existence of the log files (1). In this case, all parameters for monitoring and for search patterns (see below) are ignored.
    Monitored Search Pattern in the Monitored Log Files
    You can specify multiple search patterns to be monitored for each of the log files that fulfils the conditions for DIRECTORY and FILENAME. When doing this, enter a number <x> for each search pattern in the parameter suffix of the following parameters. Begin with the number 0.
    PATTERN_<x>="<character string>"                 (PATTERN_0 is required)
    Search pattern in the log file (case sensitive; wildcards are not allowed)
    MESSAGEID_<x>="<message ID>"                         (MESSAGEID_0 is required)
    Message number that is assigned to the alert
    VALUE_<x>=[RED,YELLOW,GREEN]            Default = YELLOW
    Color of the alert in the monitoring architecture
    SEVERITY_<x>=[0...255]                 Default = 0
    Severity of the alert
    MESSAGECLASS_<x>="<message class>"      Default = SAP-T100
    Message class
    CMP_FROM_BEGIN_<x>=[0,1]                Default = 0
    Value=1: The line must begin with the search pattern (better performance)
    Value=0: The search pattern can be in any position in the line
    Search Pattern to be Output in the Monitored Log Files
    You can use the parameters explained above to monitor log files for search patterns to which an alert is to be assigned (such as the search pattern Error). This function is not ideal for displaying search patterns to which no alert is to be assigned (such as version or date information). Only one log attribute is available in the Alert Monitor for all monitored search patterns, meaning that only one line is displayed even in the case of multiple search patterns.
    There is therefore a second way in which you can monitor log files for search patterns. If a search pattern of this type is found, the Alert Monitor displays the corresponding line as the content of a separate text attribute. You can define the name of the text attribute yourself. If the search pattern exists at several places in the log file, the system displays the last position in which it is found.
    APPL_INFO_<x>="<character string>"
    Search pattern in the log file (case sensitive; wildcards are not allowed); if the search pattern is found, the system displays the line of the log file in which the search pattern was found in the Alert Monitor
    Name of the text attribute in which the line is displayed; the complete node name is INFO[<MTE name>]
    ·         Note that you must end the file with a period (.).
    ·         If parameters are required, this is highlighted. All other parameters are optional.

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